The Twinbrook Hills Baptist Church was
organized in 1938 and we have been at our current
location since 1965. We are an unaffiliated,
sovereign grace Baptist Church
holding to historic Baptist doctrines and worship,
using the Authorized Version (KJV) of Scripture.
We believe in the virgin birth, atoning death, triumphant resurrection, and soon coming of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the reality of both Heaven and Hell as set forth in the scriptures.
We believe that all men are sinners by nature and in need of spiritual regeneration by the new birth.
We believe in the pre-tribulational, pre-millennial return of Christ for His saints, returning after the tribulation to establish His Kingdom.
We believe in the local, visible, New Testament church of Jesus Christ, established by Christ here on earth as the only missionary agent in carrying out the Great Commission. The church is to be independent and self-governing in all matters: the pastor is to be the leader and overseer of the church flock.
Sunday School at 10:00 am
Sunday morning Worship service at 11:00 am
Sunday Evening service at 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening service at 7:00 pm
All Services will meet in person.
Church Services on Sunday at 11:00 and Wednesday services at 7:00 will be Live Streamed on Facebook.
Click Below for link to Facebook Page.
The Twinbrook Hills Baptist Church – Home | Facebook
The Twinbrook Hills Baptist Church
40 Wrenwood Drive
Hamilton, Ohio 45013